• GE Chaos Zero plush
    GE Chaos Zero plush
    Wow! GE Animation's latest 2015 plush choices are an itneresting pair & a real surprise for everyone to see. The big shock here is of course, Chaos Zero. This first form of the Sonic Adventure 1 antagonist was never really made into any type of merchandise (though you'd think a…
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Sonic Jam

Photo credit: Berzerker

Tags: Food Suspicious

Are these FAKE? When anyone says "Sonic Jam" the game comes to mind first...however, someone's taken it literally and produced these 3 Sonic Jams. Knuckles Red, Sonic Blue, Tails Yellowish. (Likely blueberry, strawberry/rasp/cherry, and apple/orange/apricot to match the character color) Who made these? Where are they sold? What are the real flavors? (flavor info is only a guess, currently. This is a cool and interesting concept for Sonic food that could really be enjoyed, so write in for credit if you know! 

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  • Region: America


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