• Black Sonic promotional bag
    Black Sonic promotional bag
    This bag is rather sophisticated & simple in style. It's black, with only gold ink for the color. It has a sihlouette of modern Sonic, with the logo, and some words. A gold line runs vertically & horizontally along the edge of the bag. This is supposed to be from…
    in Bags

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Zoom or Doom candy ad

Photo credit: Piplupfan77

Tags: Candy Advertisement United States

Lifesavers candy teamed up with Sonic 3 after it was released. This "Zoom or Doom" ad features the candy, and plenty of screenshots. At the bottom, you can see them running another $10 rebate if you collect enough candy wrappers & also buy Sonic 3. You'll find the actual roll/packages elsewhere here on Sonic Foods, but it's great to be able to see the ad they ran too. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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