• Sonic tank top & soft fabric shorts set
    Sonic tank top & soft fabric shorts set
    This is a tank top & soft fabric shorts set. It's called a 'sleep set' but you could probably wear the top like a normal shirt. This is at Wal Mart, and should be about 8.48 , because it is in the boys/little kids only area. It's probably too small…
    in Sleep Wear

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Here are the 2 ways you can try "Peach Rings" Sonic's flavor of G Fuel drinks. They have tall cans at left, and a powder jar at right where you can mix your own with water. The can is quite nicely designed with a yellow/blue crosshatched spiral & a scattering of rings. It has jumping peace-sign modern Sonic all over one side. The shading is a bit comic book style for him.

The other side has their logo, the flavor label, that it has 0 sugar, and the modern Sonic logo as well. The powder jar is created with a shrink-on plastic where a white jar is wrapped sturdily in designed plastic to create an all-over colorful look. It has CG running forward Sonic placed over/behind the G Fuel logo (so he overlapps it a bit for a 3d look), CG rings, and the modern logo. This one jar will make 40 standard size servings of the drink.

What is the flavor like?
If you have tried those gummy candy "peach rings" where it's half white gummy half peach/transparent gummy and generally covered in sugar crystal dust....those. So, it is a candy inspired drink that's going to taste quite sweet.

As you can see from the fan photo at above right, it is totally transparent. Fan photo & flavor descript by RaeLogan
Opinion Zone:
Good! It's a nice collaberation. They clearly put in very nice effort for the co-branding. All the products are very professional looking, the graphic design is fresh, and everything looks appealing. The prize give-away is also quite well put together with genuinely desirable items & lots to win. This should make fans happy. The mini fridge is very fun to see as well, even if it is only a 1-off item/despite many people desiring it.

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