• Toy Factory canada modern plushes
    Toy Factory canada modern plushes
    Toy Factory is back in 2018, with this ad /page from a catalog. It says "Sonic Modern Assortment" at the top, but...it's not really all true. These are still prize plushes so the quality will be 'ok' still, but they're mis-labled. The Tails is classic, but he's labeled 'modern' &…
    in Toy Factory

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GE Super Shadow plush

Photo credit: Lightening

Tags: Super Shadow Great Eastern Plush

GE Animation winning streak continues in Fall 2015, where they release this factory photo of their Super Shadow plush. As with their previous dolls, this one too looks really nice. They've got his shoe & glove cuff details, nicely defined fingers, and felt white chest fur area. His arms have the red stripe in the right place, as do his eye edges. His ears are properly positioned, and the red stripe for his head-center is also well placed. (All things that frequently go wrong on other plushes) He looks pretty proportional too, from the front. Hopefully fan photos will reveal that the back has all spikes in the correct way, etc. This one's another great entry for GE, and a must for Shadow fans!

Additional Info

  • Region: International
  • Brand: Great Eastern


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