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Various Japanese keychains

Japanese Sonic keychains

Tags: Keychain Japan

Japan has loads of Sonic the hedgehog Keychains! They really went all-out with producing so many different types and styles of chains. No character seems to be left out in the amazing selection. Some of the photos are not that large, but that is the original quality. You do not often see many of these keychains available for sale.

This page is a collection of the first photo's of Sonic Gear's japanese keychain page. The photo quality isn't great, if you have better pictures of these send them in for credit! 

The first photo is a selection of 10 keyhains and 2 small items. Sonic, Tails, Pecky Penguin, and some pale thing, possibly the seal or the bunny. Look at running Eggman, isn't he funny!

The second picture is an even larger selection of keychains! This time there are 25. The blue ones have Sonic shillouets, the loop ones each have a character face image, there are 2 clipping ones to the right, and an assortment of others you can't really tell what is going on. Too bad the quality is not better... This is a rather old photo.Some of these keychains can be found in better detail here.

25 japanese Sonic keychains

4 japan Sonic keychains4 japan Sonic keychains

Two selections of Figural Keychains. The set of 4 is pre-Knuckles. The chibi-figure set is so funny with mini-waving Eggman. And they include Amy both times in her old Sonic CD outfit. With these chains, no matter who you are a fan of, you can find the one you want.

Here are better photos of some of the above 'chibi' keychains. Mini Amy Rose and Eggman. They're still in the box (inset-box back) and you can see the nice sculpting job they did as well. Amy is holding something Pink, possibly a flower, and Eggman is pointing. The packaging has Japanese words. 

Amy and Eggman keychainsPhoto by GreatThings4U

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  • Region: Asia


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