• Sonic his amazing history
    Sonic his amazing history
    This is "Sonic His Amazing History", a Scholastic book.But, why is it uncommon? It is by Devra Newberger Speregen , and was obviously recently released...but you can't seem to find it on Amazon? A used one will sometimes pop up on Ebay, but then...most or all libraries don't have it?…
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SegaSonic prize copper keychains

Photo credit: Scavenger4food

Tags: Keychain Japan SegaSonic

These keychains could be won from a prize machine in Japan.

Here are 2 cool copper keychains. They are likely to be actual copper with a patina applied. The tops feature reliefs of jumping Sonic and looking-out Tails. Sonic even has a 'fade' effect which is difficult to do in relief.

The Sonic keychain is a shoe horn, and the Tails one is a book mark. Sonic is copyright 1991 but for some reason the Tails one is 1992. There may be other characters available.

Copper Sonic keychains frontOwned by Scavenger4foodCopper Sonic keychains backOwned by Scavenger4food

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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