• Sonic 3 Life Savers candy
    Sonic 3 Life Savers candy
    Life Savers candy even made their own special flavor to celebrate Sonic! This is a roll of Blue Rad flavor lifesavers. It appeared in 1993, & as the label shows, was made to help promote Sonic 3. The flavor is blue raspberry (naturally!) but it doesn't seem to have been…
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Here are 2 pages from Tomy's 2018 catalog of preview-pics of items they plan for the year. It's two pages of 'emoji' style clip on Boom character keychains. They're the flat layered rubber material that has been popular with previous keychains. Though these look like graphics, they're actually 3D items (harder to tell with their photo here unless it's super close up)
The selection includes 6 different emotions for Sonic, 2 for Knuckles & 1 each for Eggman & Tails. The description states they're about 2.5 inches high each, flat, and 'popular' because supposedly emoji faces are what everyone loves in 2018. (Is that really true? The Emoji Movie was like...the most hated picture of the year)

Either way, the 'chibi-fied' characters are cute, & the style minimizes Boom Knuckles' odd body. If these are reasonably priced, they'll be a fun collectible. 


From prototype page to store...here come the Boom Emoji backpack hangers! These are more of that cut-in shapes flat rubber type larger keychains. This is quality stuff that captures detail well & doesn't have a problem with breaking.
These are likely a Game Stop exclusive in 2018/early summer. Here you can see sleep, normal, laugh Sonic & normal & laugh Knuckles.

But how are they closing their eye-color-chip? Sonic's eyelids are EITHER blue or beige, and Knuckles has red for certain & characters don't shut their eye color. It's obvious why it was done (all blue face=odd) but it's still not right according to pretty much any official art. The 'chibi' style of these gets rid of Boon Knuckles' 'big body', so he seems cute here. What's the best news? These should only be about $1.99 each! That's some real reasonable pricing--if you can find them. 

BoomEmojiKeychainsPhoto by Taaron


This photo shows more of the 'emoji type' boom cute clips, but showcases only ones with the 'shut eyes' (or shut pupils I guess?) expression. However, one look at the glass shelf and slotted background tells you that this is a toy show or convention photo of some kind and not a store. (As does the 'home made' boxes)
These did not have a good release. They were available for a very short time in the Sega Shop online, and even then you couldn't get the Tails. They did have a few of the different expressions, though. These can also be seen on Gear Prototypes 9. With a short lived and poorly release, these may end up actually being rare.

Why they didn't get a good release isn't known, they were k nd of later in the run of "Boom stuff", so maybe it was getting phased out (Since the games stunk & only the show was good in most fan opinions) by the time these were ready to go. Photo discovered by



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