• Official Sonic Merchandise shirts
    Official Sonic Merchandise shirts
    All of the shirts in this row can be shipped to the USA from that OfficialSonicMerchandise site that usually caters to just the UK or EU area. All of these tees recently appeared for late summer / early fall line on the web site. The first 3 are just color…
    in Modern clothing

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3 plastic Sonic keychains

Photo credit: @JapanAnimePosters

Tags: Japan Keychain

Here are 3 different plastic keychains. These are likely to all be from a set of them, as you can see by their identical packaging style. (A flat card with Sonic simple line-art imagry, always in orange & in a clear baggie) Each keychain also features a shiny sparkle foil-substance that the graphics are printed on to give the keychain a shiny effect. The first is made to look like a strip of old-fasion film-negative material. It has thumbs-up Sonic, with different line-art scenes in the background. The second has a brick-wall pattern over a gold-tone version of the foil so that Sonic & Tails can look like they're leaning against it. The third is round with thumbs-backward Sonic in a red ring of stars. Each has the Sega logo fairly large & the "Segasonic" branding, so they're likely from right around the time of Sonic2. 


Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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