• Sonic 20th joypolis candy
    Sonic 20th joypolis candy
    This is a package of candy from Joypolis Japan, to celebrate the 20th Anniversary. It has the 20th art, logo, & a starry background. There would be 6 candies inside the package. Did anyone ever eat one? What's the flavor? 
    in Food & Drinks

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Tails Floater keychain

Photo credit: @JapanAnimePosters

Tags: Keychain Tails Japan

Here's a closer look at the Tails Floater Keychain.
This soft foam type of key chain is coated with a soft rubbery plastic so you can squeeze it. More importantly, anything attached to it will float if dropped in water. This is part of a set, seen earlier on Keychains 1.
It's a nice bright yellow cut square-ish shape with happy arms-crossed Tails in a ring with lightening-bolt shapes next to him, above the "Segasonic" banner. This keychain is uncommon. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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