• Tomy Modern Amy Plush
    Tomy Modern Amy Plush
    Here's Tomy's modern Amy Rose effort.She makes her debut in their 'posed plush' line, where each doll is supposed to be mimicing an art pose/character art. In this case, Amy's doing a thumbs up with 1 bent arm & one strait arm. She has a felt for her bangs &…
    in Tomy

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Lap Land style winter Sonic hat Tags:

This may be an accessory...but it is exclusively for winter use. This is a "Lap Land" style winter Sonic hat. It's made of knit fabric with soft interior liner,
& has the tassles that are traditional to this hat type. The Sonic graphic is on a thick faux-leather or possibly plastic item that's stitched to the hat for durability. This appears at Spencers Gifts in winter 2011.


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