• Golden Mega bot prototype
    Golden Mega bot prototype
    Here's the familiar MegaBot line...but what's that in the background?A pre-assembled GOLDEN mega bot? But why? An ordinary Mega-Bot was shown at this same show...so the gold one must have some sort of signifigance as an alt. figure or something. Either way, it was never released. If you look closely,…
    in Prototypes

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20th anniversary Beach Towels

Photo credit: SonicTeam

Tags: 20th anniversary Japan Towel

These are big beach towels, with great 20th Anniversary theme. They were described as "Prizes" but, prizes to what? A contest? Something like a boxed towel wouldn't be win-able in an arcade...would it? You can see that they come folded nicely in a cardboard box with matching art. Both use the new 2011 modern art, and make good use of the logo. Do you know the details behind these cool towels? 

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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