• Hero Chao Plush
    Hero Chao Plush
    Hero Chao needs some fun too!This thing must be really big, if it is near a framed poster for Sonic X, and those two plushes. But look at the foot of the Sonic plush. It is another new-style sneaker, unlike those seen on other plushes. This hero chao is another…
    in Japanese plushes

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Sonic X square panels bed sheet

Photo credit: SonikkuTiger

Tags: Bed Sheet Europe United Kingdom Netherlands

This is a Sonic X bed sheet. It has dark blue, light blue & red square panels all over. Each panel either has the X logo, standing/ready Sonic, jumping punch Sonic or confused/side portrait Sonic, all of which are X art. Did this go with a set pictured on one of the other pages? Was it a stand-alone? Write in if you've seen this flat sheet.

This was also for sale at Zeeman in the Netherlands.

Additional Info

  • Region: Europe


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