• 2x 5 pair of Modern Sonic socks
    2x 5 pair of Modern Sonic socks
    At the left is a small socks 5-pack!The pack of socks contains 5 different styles for boys anklet socks. They are all small though so these would only fit little kids. The first pair has running Sonic with rings, the second is gray with a gray Sonic and a phrase,…
    in Modern clothing

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A large Sonic Poster with classic art, and a hanging wall calander for 1993. The poster is quite large, 22 x 34 inches. This is larger than most bootleggers can produce. Unfotunatly it is quite plain. The calander is unusual, in that Tails has a more prominint position (hopping out of the 3) You can barely see Sonic hiding behind the 1. And here comes Eggman to bring us even more much-needed chekcered-patterns. It is unknown what the calander features for the inside pages. It is spiral bound.


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