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Sonic blanket with sleeves

Photo credit: Static the Hedgehog

Tags: Fleece Blanket United States 2010 FYE Store

This is a "Comfy Throw". It proclaims 'the blanket with sleeves', as it is trying to be like the name brand "Snuggy" blanket. It is made of the same fleecy material as the actual blanket (seen above, with Labrynth style background) however, it won't lay flat, as it has been made with sleeves. This type of item is considered to be tacky, for some reason. The pattern here is QUITE similar to the 'ladies wallet', with checker stripe, old-style font, and classic Sonic. They've added angled rings for interest. This can be found at FYE stores for about $19.99 in winter 2010.

Additional Info

  • Year: 2010
  • Region: America


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