• Sonic Riders Mactor riding a hover craft disk!
    Sonic Riders Mactor riding a hover craft disk!
    To promote Sonic Riders...they did the closest thing they could find.They shoved a mascot suit onto this strange hover craft disk! It creates an effect that is absolutely nothing like the game. In fact, this would just look like a Sonic costume at some amusement place, if not for the…
    in Costumes

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Green hill zone koozie

Photo credit: SonicBoy19

Tags: Green Hill Zone 2012 United States

This is a can sleeve or can cozie. In this instance it may be called a "koozie" likely for copyright reasons. This style of cozy uses black spongy/rubbery material for the inside to stop condensation, and help keep the drink cold. (It works to varying degrees, though the black inner material does have the ability to wear out) The outside has a thin stretchy fabric, printed with Green Hill graphics (they're even pixelated) including rings, palm trees & flowers. Tails is the neo-classic stock art, while Sonic is classic running/no feet version. (note that the can is a Mountain Dew, with "Dark Knight Rises" promo edition. Very candid to be as obvious as that) This should be around 4.99 and can be found in www.superheroden.com in 2012. It's likely also available at regular retail somewhere. 

Additional Info

  • Year: 2012
  • Region: America


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