• Knuckles Sega Shop hoodies
    Knuckles Sega Shop hoodies
    Here's a selection of more creative sweatshirts...thanks to Knuckles!The first one is all red with a 16 bit style Knuckles sprite (facing sideways/profile which is unusual) & the circular slogan "No Time For Games" as well as S&K's year of release. This one has no hood & is just a…
    in Classic Clothing

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This is the Sonic Magnet Collection. It has shaped magnets in newer 2012+ artwork for Silver, Super Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles, Sonic, Amy, Tails & even Cream with Cheese! The magnets are on a blue checkered sheet. These are by GE Entertainment, & they look pretty cool. How much are they, & where can you buy them? Do write in for credit if you know.

Additional Info

  • Year: 2012
  • Region: America


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