• Japanese Sonic McDonalds
    Japanese Sonic McDonalds
    Now isn't THIS interesting! As you remember, the Egg-o-matic & flames-base Sonic are from the Sonic 3 McDonalds promotion (seen on Fast Food USA 1) but in Japan, they clearly couldn't have that "Robotnick" toy because no one would know who it was supposed to be. So their set of…
    in Various Toys

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Sonic party kit

Photo credit: Scavenger4food

Tags: Japan Party

This item is described as a 'party kit', but really it looks like a party favor selection. It's from 1999, so it would be one of the last old style Sonic things made that aren't "Classic Styled". Each sticker says the same thing on it, but features a different stock art, including the cute but uncommon sitting Tails. There's a baloon with it too, and it has what looks like a logo and also pictures of stars and confetti. This could only be obtained by having a birthday party in an arcade that featured a "Sonic Party Package" so this kit must be quite uncommon. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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