• Sonic tim wallet
    Sonic tim wallet
    This wallet comes inside its own decorative tin. Once you take the wallet out, what do you do with the tin? Don't put your sandwich in there, as there is a Sonic tin specifically designated for your sandwiches over on Homegoods. (or do put it, looks about the same size)…
    in Wallets

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Here is a Sonic lighter. Why?
There are at least 2 lighters with Sonic from Japan. This one is rather plain, with a little attached metal bit with stock art Sonic. The rest is just printing stamped onto the white plastic. Most people right away think 'smoking' when they see a lighter, but smoking is not cool...so why make Sonic lighters? I guess there are other things you might need to set fire to, (camping!) but it still seems like an odd choice of merchandise to associate Sonic with. Part of the problem might be that smoking is popular over there, even though you shouldn't do it and it's very lame. Sonic should be helping people quit!
Even though it's a bit odd, it's still collectible.

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  • Region: Asia


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