• Shadow the Hedgehog Great Eastern plush
    Shadow the Hedgehog Great Eastern plush
    The company that has emerged to compete with Toy Network is called "Great Eastern".As you can see, they seem to be doing a better job with their plushes, as this Shadow shows. He has 5 fingers, and does not look mutated or mushy. The detail seems to be there, but…
    in Great Eastern

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A close up of the Avon Bubble Bath with Knuckles topper. This mini-bust is a finger puppet for use in the tub. You can see the box in the background. There is also a Sonic topper, but it has no bottle photo'd with it. Both can be seen Here. 

 Sally soap photoPhoto found by Rae_Logan.Sally bubble bath topperPhoto contributed by Juuni.

 Here's the whole thing, bottle & topper all at once. It's behind a ReSaurus figure, which gives a rough estimate of the size of the whole product. (not that large) With this shot you can see how the topper fits on, but has a bit of a wide back due to the can. 

Of the 3 Shampoo w/Top, the Sally top is the rarest. Why? She was the least-recognizable character at the time (being Archie Comics & 1 TV Show only) Her topper here though, as you can see is a pretty good likeness with well sculpted hair and a fairly accurate face. She doesn't seem to suffer the same overspray paint errors that Knuckles does above. 

 Bath Topper SonicPhoto & owned by SonicRetro

This is the Sonic puppet/topper. He's in the same armcross position as everyone else, but look...his arms are blue! They have the right color of paint, but clearly chose not to use it. Why let such an error like this happen? Usually only Australia would keep getting him wrong with blue arms. The topper is well-sculpted though, and seems normal otherwise. 


This is an advertisement for the Avon Sonic Bath products seen at the top of the page. You would see this in an Avon items catalog around 1995. You can see the terry-cloth type bath plush (8 inches) came with a float-ring and cost $7.99. The stickers were originally 6.99 for the set (though sets can top $50.00 over ebay in the modern era) The shampoos (with toppers) were 5.99 each. It's cool to see how the merchandise was originally presented, and to learn the original prices. 

Avon Sonic AdvertisementPhoto by: JL Anderson


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