• Spec issue 8 from 1992
    Spec issue 8 from 1992
    Here is "Spec" magazine, issue 8 from 1992.It's a Japanese multi-console coverage magazine. Isn't the plain cover interesting? It has just Sonic, with no background, and no pop-in art from other games or anything else at all. A red headline goes down one side & 3 game titles are just…
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Here's the first look company photos for their articulated Sonic and Tails action figures! And...they look great so far! New things are happening as well, when you take a close look at what's going on with the details...especially for Tails. Usually, figures are painted with their secondary colors but look at the lines between the white/orange for him.

The white part for his tail color, his eyes and lower face are all snapped together. You won't find any overspray here because there was never a need to spray.Tails's joints for the hips also don't work like Sonic's do (other lines had them the same) they're actually slightly embedded into the body, which looks nice. The knees for everyone seem simple here, maybe a little blocky but they could be sturdier than normal maybe with this design.
Because the actual 3D models for the characters were used to make these, there is no "off model issue" that plagued previous things by other companies. Sonic, is of course very solid looking. His head is great, expression is good, has no neck just like he should.
:Little things...Tails' mouth has no color (it's center smile) so it can come across as a bit of a grimace here because the white=teeth-look. Also, no elbow joints, and it looks like Sonic & Tails share the same hands/low on hand poses. It looks like an open-to-grip hand, but then they don't come with anything to hold. Lack of elbow is probably the biggest deal, but it doesn't really deter anything.

The other 2 from their first set are Shadow & Eggman. Isn't that interesting...no Knuckles in sight! Eggman is an all right choice though, as he doesn't get enough figures and people want to play with a bad guy too, so Eggfans should be happy with this first set. They both look really good, of course, as the CG from the games could be 

used to ensure everything is perfectly on-model. The small oddity here is Eggman's ankle joints. They're really...gappy? Odd? There have been figures with his knees jointed but why they chose ankles here is unknown especially if they're handling it strangely. He does get elbows (unlike everybody else) but the long/thick arm/sleeve would enable this.
JP likes to release figures with something, and this set is no exception. However, they ARE making a clear effort to select things from the games that have NOT been released with other figures/other companies. Sonic gets a red star bumper, Tails gets an invincibility power up pod thing, Shadow a 10-ring, and Eggman gets a spikes pad to set down to trap Sonic. The weakest link is Tails's invincibility thing, it doesn't look like that in any game and is really tiny compared to what it is in games while everyone elses' item is 'real size' to the figure.

What you don't know:
Can the hands and feet swivel? (Probably, anything worth it's salt would)
How big will these be? (Hopefully big! At least the size of their bendies, or even larger would be nice!)
How tough ar they? (JW was a bit notorious for high articulation but low durability. Hopefully these are sturdy)


Shadow & Eggman jakks pacific articulated figuresDiscovered by SonicHedgehog11


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