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Sporty SegaSonic Tails Plush

Photo credit: Photos by Liltichan

Tags: Badminton Miles Tails Prower Plush SegaSonic Japan Dressed Plush

Here's a Tails from a sporty set of plushes done in the early 1990s. This tails is ready for the slightly obscure sport of Badminton. This is where you hit a rubber tipped cone back and forth over a net. He has a plush version of the Badminton Birdie in one hand. The interesting thing about this doll is that it is BIG at 13 inches. Usually the 'gimmick' plushes were much smaller and in UFO games. He has a fuzzy chest area and felt bangs. However, the arms appear understuffed/attached oddly which is unusual for Japan. 

These photos illustrate the differences between Sports Tails & Regular Tails dolls released around the same time. But what sport requires you to tie a string around yourself that has a little flag on it? (as seen with this doll) Is it Flag Football? You can see that they're pretty much similar, except in size, so it's likely that the 'sport' dolls were all a little larger than the regular ones. This is interesting and cute to see. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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