While it may have been a mistake to shovel out the oldest Toy Island line, THIS figure is defenetely not a mistake to re-release.
Do you recognize it? You should, as it's a Super Poser Sonic! As you may know, the prices on these guys over the internet have gone way up, since they left the shelves of KB Toys with somewhat poor distribution, and fans still wanting them. The line of Super Posers included Sonic & Shadow originally, but so far they've only chosen to re-package Sonic.
Yes, the figures did have issues, like some with utterly HORRID eye-paint, and some with low-quality plastic, but over-all they're a great buy. With 25 points of articulation, this figure is ready for serious action. The Super Poser line was well recieved for the large size and high-level of articulation, so this was a wise re-release move. If you were unable to get this figure the first time around, now in the Winter of 2008, this is your big chance, thanks to Jazwares!
To 'add' even more figures to the 20th Anniversary line up, Jazwares is re-releasing a lot of their Super Posers figures in new 20th Anniversary / Sonic through time packaging. The figures are the same, but the box has been changed some (as seen here) The most major change is to the box back, which now includes a profile for each character and some nice modern stock art. This is a nice & thoughtful addition, it really helps personalize them for MIB collectors. Sonic's profile is the same as on all of the other boxes.
Mis-cards sometimes happen, and Super Posers are no exception to the rule. Here's a regular Sonic but he is clearly on the Super Sonic package. Since it's essentially the same figure/that repaint, naturally he fits. SOMEtimes these can be worth more than a regular figure, but most of the time they're not. Anyone who collects MIB will usually want a proper figure in its correct box. Only the fans can determine if they'll pay more for a mis-card than a regular.
Photo by SuperSonic88

In winter 2012, Jazwares re-packages the Super Posers once again. These are the SAME somewhat poorly sculpted old ToyIsland super posers, but it still more different packaging. The background is now pale, with white / gray checkering & the front uses the yellow/honeycomb pattern from before. As with other re-packaged items, a 'star trail' has name info & a disk has product info you've seen before (the '25 pts articulation') But look, Shadow here is mis-labeled as Sonic...so do watch out for the new packaging.
Photos by PacmanSonic138