• 4x classic winter long sleeves
    4x classic winter long sleeves
     One of the last long sleeves of 2014, this JC Penny Boys/Teens shirt is gray, with red long sleeves. It has classic style 'getting ready to run' Sonic with his name in white for the design. Notice that Sonic is not filled in at all with any of the white…
    in Classic Clothing

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Jazwares is also re-releasing the bendy figures!
The bendies are still on the same smallish card under a square bubble, but now the theme is mostly orange/yellow, like most of Jazwares items. So far, they've only produced individual figures (not the bendy-4-pak) of Sonic & Shadow. Hopefully, they'll pick up the rare-er ones too, like golden Sonic and Big the Cat so if anyone missed them the first time, they can be collected. 


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