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Silver the Hedgehog Jazwares plush

Photo credit: Trogdorbad

Tags: Jazwares Plush Silver the Hedgehog United States

Silver's look is hard to determine due to the photo being super small. That center shot is actually of a display, what they're hoping it will look like in stores. box (for stores) of their mini-plushes that somehow got to France! Jazwares had a habit of releasing any plush to the USA first, but that box made its way there ahead of all TRU stores. The last photo proves they're planning on adding Tails...and he doesn't look too bad. Silver's shoe-bottom is also detailed, and so are his gloves. Hopefully they can learn to improve all their dolls in the future.

Silver actually looks better from the back, than the front. Center photo discovered by Berzerker, left & right by Atamaii.com
At right is the close up of their Silver plush. The face looks a little better than some of their previous efforts, though he does seem a bit gloomy. 

Additional Info

  • Region: America
  • Brand: Jazwares


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