• Gamecube Shadow the Hedgehog skin
    Gamecube Shadow the Hedgehog skin
    This item isn't an electronic item...but it's FOR your electronics: namely the Gamecube. This is an all-sides skin for the Gamecube, with an all-Shadow theme. You've got Shadow himself, the Shadow symbol & plenty of black & red. This was sold in the USA at some point, but somehow SonicTeam…
    in Gamecube

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The Sonic Juvi is especially stripy in appearance. Each spike is topped with a strip of dark blue. His eyes are especially 'tall' and the pupils especially small and beady. He is grinning here, (but you have to look underneath him to see it--notice the last photo is taken from under the figure slightly) and you can see his teeth. This makes for a decent expression, if you're looking up at it. All the detail is present, like shoe plates/buckles for Sonic & Knuckles, but do watch out for his dark gray fingers.

JUVI Sonic figures

Here's one of the first shots of their Urban Vinyl Line (Like a Mighty Muggs) of Sonic figures. These simplistic figures have big heads and are rather large. These should be around $10.00 EVEN the Metal Sonic at 10.48. Don't get ripped off! Toys R Us is selling off the extras from Comic-Con. The figures are mostly smooth, with the details painted on. Photo discovered by JSHedgehog


Apparently, they're re releasing these figures with the faces fixed! Look at this Sonic here, and you'll see he's more like their initial shots with the face on the front of the head (where it belongs!) rather than on the bottom. The first 2 you'll spot are Sonic & the Werehog, so Shadow & Knuckles will be sure to follow. If you didn't collect any of these before due to their really odd looks, this improvement may change your mind, so keep an eye out at Toys R Us. 

Juvi Size Comparison

Here's a size comparison for the JUVIs and the 3.5 inch Jazwares line. All of the Juvis are the same size, even the 'fixed' ones seen above. Photo by RaeLogan

Sonic JUVI Jazwares turnaroundPhoto by Beloved Doll


Here are the JUVIs in their actual boxes. As you can see, these boxes are the same design as the Comic Con Metal Sonic, but they lack the exclusive sticker (naturally) They're not the same as the mock-up boxes (at the top of this page) They are all equal in height, and the heads are the only thing that's really different for each one. Every box has a portrait art of the figure. Each one costs $9.99. Photo & info by Taaron.

UPC Codes for each Juvi -
Sonic Juvi is 6 81326 65051 5,
Shadow is 6 81326 65052 2
Knuckles is 6 81326 65053 9
Werehog is 6 81326 65054 6
(all codes supplied by Taaron)
Metal Sonic is 6 81326 65055 3
Last code by BelovedDoll


The Bottom Line:
This is a VERY stylized line of figures. At $9.99 each you must be 'ok' with that in order to collect. Their pose-ability is low as is natural for a stylized vinyl line like this so they're mostly for display. (neck, shoulders, hips are only articulated) The self-shading detracts from the look wherever it is used, especially once the figures are in-hand where it really stands out.
The factory photos are misleading on the faces. If the final product had used that more "foreward" face style instead of having every figure look directly at the ground, they wouldn't have come across so oddly. The Metal Sonic didn't do it, so why should all the rest? The difference really is quite dramatic.

The boxes are all simple and effective, being clear on most of the sides, so if you want to keep them MIB for display, you can still see almost all of the figure immideatly. But, the boxes did sacrifice a bit of strength for the visibility factor, so do watch stores for damaged boxes. All boxes are identical except the name.

If you're going to get a JUVI...
Go for the Metal Sonic one or the Werehog if you don't want all of them. Those two are the most like the character and have the least 'gimmicry' going on with them. Or, checkout the new faces: 

Apparently, they're re releasing these figures with the faces fixed! Look at the Sonic on the cover image (left), and you'll see he's more like their initial shots with the face on the front of the head (where it belongs!) rather than on the bottom. The first 2 you'll spot are Sonic & the Werehog, so Shadow & Knuckles will be sure to follow. If you didn't collect any of these before due to their really odd looks, this improvement may change your mind, so keep an eye out at Toys R Us. 

Here's a comparison of the faces with the werehog figure: 


All 4 Sonic JUVIs in boxesPhoto & info by Taaron.



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