• 2 classic Sonic belts
    2 classic Sonic belts
    Here are 2 fairly unique belts!These are "Seat Belt Style" belts. The buckle is metal with a button in the middle. It resembles an old-style car seatbelt. The belt material may be that heavy/thick woven nylon stuff to help the belts further resemble a seatbelt. Each belt has a Sonic…
    in Accesories

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Here is Jazwares Sonic & Black Knight figure in the box. As usual, this guy is a Toys R Us exclusive, but online stores and ebay will likely buy up quite a few to try and jack up the prices if you can't go to the offline store and buy.
The box looks good, with the castle in the background, and a good clear big bubble. As you can see (as predicted) he has the sword (Caliburn) with him, and the sculpt looks good.

The box-back seems to be a standard for Jazwares, in that it's pretty plain and Sonic isn't actually standing on anything. Photos discovered by JS hedgehog. Here you can see the box without the figure, as well as its inner packing. 2 extra plastic pieces keep Sonic in place, so crushed/damaged figures should be rare. This is a good move with packing!

Even in the box you can tell right away that this is a good figure. The sculpt is very solid, with accurate spikes and no real anatomy errors. He does not suffer from 'big body' or anything. He is not overly knobby or noodly. The ears are appropriate 3D triangles, not some wilting leaf-things that other figures can have. You can easily see his articulation here, which is VERY decent for a figure of this size. His hips, knees, shoulders, elbows all have joints which are pretty good. His head wrists and ankles can also spin. No articulated spikes, which is likely nice because that didn't quite make sense in the first place.

Sonic Black Knight box artSonic black knight figure empty box

The Minor Pestering:
He has Werehog legs. These have the same bizzarre articulation/limitations as the Werehog did. Which means his hips only go sideways while his knees go back. Because his legs aren't stubby (see werehog) he's still posable quite decently, but it's odd to see this limited style again.
Part 2
His wrists DO rotate but watch out for paint making them stick. Pliars had to be used to start this figures' wrists rotating! If using tools or trying really hard, remember to *be careful* so he doesn't break! It's thought to be a speck of extra paint in there that can happen on SOME figures that may initially make the wrists hard to turn. Once you get past it though, he should be just fine. Use care when handling him, he's fairly sturdy but if his arm does come off, it can be snapped back in.

With these shots you can see the good job on the spikes, and that they did bother to texture the bottoms of his shoes. The gauntlet is also well done with the finger pieces, jewel bracelet and even the little rivets. It looks just about like it does in the game so they're really paying attention here and it's coming through.

Caliburn close up Jazwares

With these shots you can see the good job on the spikes, and that they did bother to texture the bottoms of his shoes. The gauntlet is also well done with the finger pieces, jewel bracelet and even the little rivets. It looks just about like it does in the game so they're really paying attention here and it's coming through.

The sword itself is silver-tone (not chrome) and made of a rather soft plastic. It can easily be bent so make sure to lay it flat when not in use. It fits quite well in his gauntlet hand so their matching is good stuff too. No one should have a hard time playing with this.

Sonic Black Knight Figure poseSonic Black Knight Figure pose 2Sonic Black Knight Figure sideSonic Black Knight Figure side poseSonic Black Knight Figure backSonic Black Knight Figure bottom

The SBK (middle) as compared with ReSaurus Sonic and Toy Island FiguresEmeralds Sonic. You can be surprised by his size! He's not much bigger than FE Sonic, but just look at all that articulation! FE's Sonic's main complaint was that he was barely action-able, and slightly chunky. None of that here, this figure compares really well. The head is also just as well done, really on-model and nothing ugly or mutating.
What you can't see: When you get him you can notice he IS smiling, but this is difficult to see in any photo. It is a good touch, so be sure to look for it!

At the right (bottom on mobile) you can see a pose file so you can see what he can do. Pretty dynamic, anyone who buys this figure should be quite happy with him. He's accurate, and can do many things.

Over All: Very Great!
Price: He's $9.99 at TRU. His number is 6-81326-65035-5 if you need to make them look him up. Call your local Toys R Us and ask for this figure!
Quality: His head is heavy (it is solid) but he does not seem to suffer any flimsyness His plastic is blue and also peach, so as to minimize paint and mistakes. He will not likely chip or flake like the ReSaurus did. In the store all the figures had uniformly good paint jobs. No overspray or errors on any figure observed.
Recommend? Absolutely. This is the best Sonic head sculpt since FiguresEmeralds, which it may even beat. The tiny leg articulation oddity not enough to scar the figure. It is full of good qualities and the accessory is too. A good fit and a solid buy. UPC # Courtesy of Juuni


Jazwares Sonic Black Knight figure comparisonComparison black knight figure (middle) with ReSaurus (left) and Toy Island figures. Sonic black knight figure Figure poses

Note to MIB collectors-
There are MANY different fake box shots going around internet stores now. This SBK Sonic under the yellowcard werehog bubble (see, it has the werehog scratch in it!) makes no sense. It also isn't likely released anywhere. If a store starts showing you pictures of a NEW box on the same old figure it could be some mockup shot that's been floating around. Don't order it until someone actually BUYS one at retail and has an IRL pic (not this white background photoshoppery nonsense stuff) Just a note. There is NOW Summer 2009, a real yellow-card SBK Figure, without the werehog scratch bubble. Photo discovered by Sonictoast.

Sonic Black Knight figure scratch box mockup


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