• Sonic 1994 calendar
    Sonic 1994 calendar
    Here is an official 1994 Sonic calander. It's spiral bound at the top for easy page-flipping. It was only released in the UK for that year, and the art inside seems to be unique to the calendar. The length is 42cm and its 30cm wide. It has sonic snowboarding, eggman…
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These are the early shots on the 3 inch scale Werehog, Shadow and Silver. From these photos, they're looking good so far! They'll be released with bases to help them stand. Not a bad addition, as the bases are subtle and don't force you to use them, either. The box backs are the same, with Sonic Tails & Knuckles. Amy Rose should also be on this release, but as a "comic pak tie in" like Knuckles was on the first set. There should be plans to release both of them in the future on an individual card.

The Werehog is textured for the 'hair', and the face seems to be accurate. It was always thought they'd do a good job with the werehog because their first one of him was excellent. Shadow and Silver both seem fine, with good shoe detail and spikes pointing in the proper directions. Silver's hands are dynamic, which is fitting due to all the gesturing he did.

This is the START of the release, (Winter 2009) so begin calling your Toys R Us stores to see if they've got them in. Photos taken by shigamado

UPC #s Provided by: Taaron
Werehog: 6 81326 65026 3

 Early 3 inch Werehog & Shadow Figures


The 3 inch scale Werehog is just about like their 5 inch one. He's a bit of an improvement, actually (legs work better, poses easier) but isn't free of flaws. The 'hip area' is SUPER small giving him a funnel-like appearance as the torso narrows to the extreme to meet it. He's only short 1 joint that all the other figures have, which is the wrist (due to the textured fur) His bent shoes limit the pose-ability because by nature he's quite top-heavy due to being solid plastic--however that was dictated by the art they're going off of.

SOME Werehogs are defective. The one on the right is. The knee of the leg that has the foot with the hole in it (to snap onto the base) has a defective catch on the front allowing it to bend 180 degrees (seen at right) which makes it totally impossible for the figure to stand, base or not. It's the most top-heavy figure so this flaw is especially bad for this figure. What's worse is it does not appear to be detectable 'on the shelf'. A bad knee is identical to a good one while he's still in the box. Only by de-boxing and moving the figure around (or trying to stand him up!) will reveal it. No solution is known except being forced to buy another one if you actually want to pose him. The problems MAY INCLUDE: 2 right shins, 1 backward shin, or 2 right shins with 1 of them on backward. He won't stand through any of these flaws.




Jazwares Werehog Figure feet


The feet for this set are all great. They didn't miss any details, texturing in Werehog's shoe spikes on the top and bottom, texturing in Shadow's glide hole shoe soles, and even going so far as to paint in the futuristic hexagon blue/black pattern on Silvers' shoe soles. They didn't miss a detail here! Each figure has a hole in the heel of 1 shoe that allows them to snap onto the base you see here, which has a small peg on it.

defect 3 inch Werehog Jazwares FigureDefective Werehog knee3inWereKneeDefective Werehog knee

As 2013 ends, more photos of single card figures show up. Here comes Metal Sonic (modern) & the 3.75 line werehog. The Werehog hasn't been seen on shelves in ages, but they're re-releasing him. However....
WHERE are these figures being sold at RETAIL?
ToyWiz has them on their website & Amazon too, but at 3x the normal price. (15 dollars each!) These are clearly meant to be 'bargain' figures to fill in collections, so they've got to be regularly sold somewhere at non-ripoff-rates. Write in if you know!

Jazwares Werehog figure re-releaseDiscovered by PatMac

A werehog figure was actually given out as pre-order bonus for Sonic Unleashed at EB Games in Australia. It's unclear which werehog figure this exactly is but if you look closely, you can see that it might even be articulated in the arms. So it's likely to be a jazwares one. Once the real figure is aquired, it might get it's own article (if it's different). 

Australia werehog pre-orderDiscovered by Flare

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