• Dreamcast pre-order bonus
    Dreamcast pre-order bonus
    This is the pre-order bonus pack you got if you preordered the Dreamcast in Japan. As you can see here, it came with a fancy bag, the game (center) a tee with simple blue & orange Sonic head/spiral thing & some type of pre-order card or possibly booklet. This is…
    in Random Items

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UPCS: 681326650157
SKU: 92FF3D28
Remember: CALL your store if you're not sure! Make them look it up and show that there is demand for Sonic items! Numbers provided by Taaron

 Because the Super Posers Super Shadow figure IS just a 'repaint' of the original figure, it doesn't get a pose file & etc. For that see: Super Posers Page. As you can see here, he does have some variances. They used white paint in his mouth (difficult to see in photo to right) instead of black, which is a little strange. His plastic IS yellow, so it's not like he's painted yellow. All articulation is the same, the stiffness of the joints will vary by figure like it always has. The one seen here has a small round dent in the forehead...but not all of them do. Inspect him!

He is NOT glossy or platinum-colored. He is a rather cream-yellow. The other difference, is his shoes. Look at the backs of the shoes of each figure. Super Shadow's are black with red, but regular Shadow has red only. Super Shadow is the accurate one. (as only the sole-area should be red) SShadow has the 'better eye paint' like the most recent Jazwares release regular-super-posers do. He does not seem to have any overspray/paint errors.
What you can't see: The interior of the bubble has 2 parts to hold him in, which is an improvement. You wont see as many squashed ones or damaged noses due to more protection in the package. The back of the package has Sonic Tails & Knuckles on it for some reason, and no description.
Over all: With Jazwares improved eyes, better paint, and better box combined with the pose-ability of the super poser, this is a decent figure. If you want a Super Shadow, here's your chance. A solid and decent figure, with no real glaring flaws. The color is the only thing up for debate as it's sort of shimmery/metallic in the game and not well defined.

 Jazwares Shadow & Super Shadow Super Poser frontJazwares Shadow & Super Shadow Super Poser backJazwares Shadow & Super Shadow Super Poser faces

Once again, Jazwares has re-packaged the Super posers for another round of sales. This new box is far more compact with a square bubble instead of the roughly triangular dome. It uses the box front to house the Sonic logo (instead of it taking up a huge space at the top of the box) and have added more hexagon texture to the backgrounds. Also, they're now labeled with a cardboard inbetween-insert "Super Posers" and their name (which is FANTASTIC as they were too easy to confuse in poor photos with the 5in line so stores were getting up to shenannagins with them) You can now not mistake these guys for anything else. The dark dot on one side is the silvertone reflective "R" sticker for Toys R Us.

SuperLabelPoserDiscovered by Shark



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