With this close up, you can tell that the hinges, screws and even numbers can be seen on this figure. He wasn't meant to be transparent, so you still get the part numbers showing through.
With this comparison shot, you can tell it's identical to the other Jazwares Super Poser Sonics, it's just made from transparent plastic exactly like that of the 3.75 inch comic-pak-Sonic. Darker blue swirls may be seen inside him where the plastic is thicker. The various posts that reinforce the design, as well as the hinges can be seen as dots. His facial features are difficult to see, but since they were a part of the mould, they're still there.
You can also see that the box back has been changed for these new figures. They're using the same back as the 3.75 inch figure box rather than the old SP figure back card.
All photos & info by SonicAdventureDX