• Japanese Design Sonic Wallet
    Japanese Design Sonic Wallet
    This is called the "Japanese Design Sonic Wallet".It is a Sega Shop item, new for 2019, and costs 18 dollars. It's made of that sturdy nylon tight-woven cloth, and is a simple bi-fold wallet. It's all black, printed with white ink. It has a small checker background, and 3 point…
    in Wallets

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Here's an all-new type of display figure...the "Chibi Styled Fuzzy Figure". This set features little-bighead / SD style figures of modern Amy, Sonic, Shadow & Knuckles. (Where's Tails!) They're super small, at about only 1.4 inch high, & they are not to scale with eachother. The figures are flocked (Fuzzy to the touch) much like the comic-con exclusive giant Sonic. Little peeved Shadow seems cute. Just how big is he? See next to an ordinary pencil (right) for the real small size!
The set is 9.99 which is rather pricy for the quality & number of figures on the set.

The fuzzy display figures are mostly nicely detailed, and rather cute. The turn arounds show everyone's spikes came out well, plus their mini shoe details. But...where is Knuckles tail? There's a little hole there...was he supposed to have one? Do some of the figures have it and this is just broken before shipping? He looks a bit plain without it. They have clear bases (the black you see on the base is a tiny number) & they are glued to the base.

The price point is a bit high at 9.99 for tiny items, especially when compared with "Blind Bag" flocked items like FillyPrincess, Squinkies, FIM Ponies & other "micro toys".
If you can avoid it, DONT buy these online. Inspect every pack of figures before you buy. Amy Rose with 2 noses? Shadow's eye red border in the middle of his eye? Shadow with 1 sideways eye? Sonic with brown blotches on him UNDER the flocking? Knuckles with squeezed in eyes/massive red blotches on his face? These little ones have it all. It sadly appeares to be really common that most sets have at least 1 really flawed figure.
They're flocked...so you can't paint over paint problems unless it's the eye. (white paint over Shadow's misplaced eye border) They're micro, so any flaw looks huge/stands out. Plus at 10 dollars plus tax, you really don't want to be spending on messed up toys. The Shadow in the photo at above right (eye red slightly misplaced) & Knuckles (red on face bottom) were the best from a whole stores' worth of toys.
The bottom line:
Totally adorable little set of nicely flocked figures. Quality, low, dense flocking feels sturdy. Cute bases keep figures standing for display on monitor tops...or almost anywhere. They interact cutely with other figures (middle) 3.5 line Tails looks like he's got a little Sonic plush doll, while Rouge covets mini Knuckles. Great & fun for display! (But where's Tails?)

Get these if you like cute figures IF IF IF you can inspect before you buy. At 9.99 you don't want to have to buy twice, but a 2-Nose Amy Rose just isn't as cute.

Sonic Fuzzy mini pack - boxFuzzy figures size comparisonFuzzy figures size comparison 2Fuzzy Shadow & Knuckles figures


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