• Large Segaworld AU bendy
    Large Segaworld AU bendy
    Here's another bendy Sonic, not from the set above. This one appears to be a little larger, and has his hands pointing, and in a fist. The ears on this are more to the sides of the head, but they've gotten one eye a little crooked which isn't so great…
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Sonic Chronicles in Italy's Nintendo Magazine

Photo credit: Gabriele

Tags: Nintendo Magazine Italy Sonic Chronicles Magazine

Here is the cover of La Rivista Ufficiale Nintendo, Italy's official Nintendo magazine. They dedidcated the cover to Sonic Chronicals for the DS. Also, like in many magazines around the world, when a promotion like this appears, this one has a free Sonic poster included as well. To the right, you can see the Italian ad for Sonic Unleashed. As you can see, the box looks exactly the same, (though it only seems to be shown for the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 only, in this ad) but naturally the text is all in Italian. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Europe


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