• 25th anniversary joypolis items
    25th anniversary joypolis items
    Here are some 25th Anniversary items that are supposed to appear at Joypolis for the celebration. However, none of the items here are real, they're all either just art, or in the case of the (Thermos?) a CG render with the graphic applied. The items, if they get made/anyone ever…
    in Prototypes

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Game Informer says "Sonic gets respectability?" scan

Photo credit: PiplupFan77

Tags: Game Informer Magazine Magazine Sonic Chronicles

When the rpg styled Sonic Chronicles was announced for the DS, lots of magazines thought it was odd news. Game Informer says "Sonic gets respectability? & that if BioWare can't do a good job, Sonic is done for" While a bit dismal, it's also unrealistic to pin everything on 1 new developer. 

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