• Asda Sonic & Tails school bag
    Asda Sonic & Tails school bag
    This is a soft-sides bag, likely to be a lunch carrier with insulation for hot/cold food. It has a blue checker themed background, with nice CG art for Sonic, Tails & Knuckles on the front flap. There are also some rings in the background. It has an adjustable blue strap…
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Trivia score card from Game Informer magazine

Photo credit: PiplupFan77

Tags: Game Informer Magazine Magazine

This is the wacky trivia score card from a question set in Game Informer magazine. Depending on how many you can answer you can check your rank with these wacky images including some guy's photo altered poorly to have a Sonic theme. "Obey restraining order from Peach" is the center score. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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