• GE Blaze the Cat plush
    GE Blaze the Cat plush
    Great Eastern is making a Blaze the Cat plush. This is their factory photo (which they have managed to wash out a bit, wiping the whites from the gloves into the background and obscuring its detail) which looks pretty decent so far.The details all appearin place like her hair tips,…
    in Great Eastern

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1993 Game Pro magazine with Sonic Spinball

Photo credit: Calistine

Tags: Sonic Spinball Sonic Chaos Magazine Game Pro Magazine 1993

Here is Game Pro magazine from Nov. 1993. It ran an all-Sonic cover & featured stories on Sonic Spinball & Sonic Chaos. The cover used a slightly modified Spinball face-between-feet Sonic art, and announced various other game reviews/previews. That little disk on his foot is unrelated, it is a picture of SF Cammy. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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