• Sonic Spinner Arcade Game
    Sonic Spinner Arcade Game
    This is a Sonic Spinner Arcade Game.It's Sonic Adventure 1 themed, and features all SA1 type art, including images of Sonic and Eggman on the console surface, and other characters on the sides of the primarily checkered machine. The objective is to stop the spinner on numbers to win points…
    in Arcade machines

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Game Players Sonic cover

Photo credit: PiplupFan77

Tags: Game Players Magazine Sonic & Knuckles Sonic 3

Game Players did their own Sonic & Knuckles cover, and used the seldom-seen "Vandal Knuckles" art. He is spray painting with a can of NON TOXIC, so whatever you put in the background, you can have him spraying over. It's odd that this pose/official art for him doesn't appear that much. Game Players chose their own sub-head "Sega * Nintendo" where he's painted out 'Nintendo'. This is a fun play on the rivalry that Sega & Nintendo had at this time.
At right, you can see their Sonic 3 cover, which wonders "3 x the speed, 3 x the action.... 3 x the game?" and invites you to find out in their special preview section. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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