• Figma Figures Accessory Kit
    Figma Figures Accessory Kit
    Here's something a little unusual...It's a "Figma Figures Accessory Kit" with 5 different Sega consoles that your Figma action figures could collect. It comes with 3 different 'controller holding' hands & 2 wrist pieces that you can use to make your figures hold the items...as long as they are white,…
    in Action figures

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Full page ad for Sonic the Movie

Photo credit: PiplupFan77

Tags: Sonic Movie Advertisement

This is a full page ad for the Sonic OVA movie. ADV Films brought it to the USA (with notoriously bad dub that the fans didn't like) The blurb says basically the same thing as the box itself, (it promises romance too? why?) and you can note the age of the ad as they front the VHS tape box and DVD is only an afterthought in the red dot. The left corner has logos for all the stores that will carry it (Tower Records, SunCoastVideo, Sam Goodey etc) The price and street date are listed as well (1999) and then the vendor-buy cut-off date. (Could this have been a trade publication's ad? Usually the public doesn't get vendor-buy cutoffs announced to them) 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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