• Sonic Lost World without boundaries
    Sonic Lost World without boundaries
    Here's the sound track to Sonic Lost World. It's called "Without Boundaries". It appears to have all of the songs from the game. The cover here is very colorful, as it shows the Deadly Six, but it has been criticized as being uncreative because someone just duplicated the same cluster…
    in Soundtracks

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Super Sonic Savings 2 page ad

Photo credit: Piplupfan77

Tags: Game Gear Advertisement

This is a 2-page spread ad. It's sort of unusual because such a spread is usually very costly to do. It uses a lot of white space, to make it stand out from the usual klutter found in most gaming magazines of the era. It uses simple, nicely shaded stock Sonic & a GameGear with his title screen. The hook here is that you could get a $20 rebate if you bought a GG bundled with Sonic 1, for a limted time. The screens are all from games of the era, and it claims that only Sonic could bring gamers such super savings. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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