• Super Silver concept
    Super Silver concept
    This is clearly a Super Silver concept to...something.Don't bother trying to read that tiny print, it's all in Japanese anyway. It was supposedly created to illustrate to Jazwares the difference between Super & regular Silver. (hopefully they bothered to provide a translation when they sent it over...) The text mentions…
    in Prototypes

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Totally Sonic article

Photo credit: Piplupfan77

Tags: Sega Visions Magazine

When should an article appear on SonicGear? When it's about Sonic stuff! (otherwise, there would be way too many to post) This is a 1 page article from an issue of Sega Visions called "Totally Sonic", where they highlight a few things they found at the time. Each item has a photo & description...and each one is on SonicGear. "Get a Grip" is the fingerless (except for the thumb) Sonic themed gaming gloves, you can also see the Sonic shape-ball, the old (1990s) party supply selection, and a dispenser box for the original set of Sonic trading cards. Perhaps they couldn't locate the clothing of the time (there were several pieces) so they placed in the lesser-seen "Directors Chair Sonic" stock art. Look at his small, strange shoes. It was great to see magazines of the time devoting space to merchandise, since none of it was advertised...how would the fans know? 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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