• Amy Rose sticker or tattoo
    Amy Rose sticker or tattoo
    This square item is either a temporary-tattoo or a sticker. It's also likely a prize, or booth-give-away. The bottom corner says "Not for Sale" but you can't read any of the rest of the text...except to know that her name on the front is written backwards. Depending on what this…
    in Cards & Stickers

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Cherry coke Sonic promo

Photo credit: Piplupfan77

Tags: Advertisement

Here's an unusual cross promoting ad. Cherry coke did a promo tour type thing in a van one summer. (which year? did anyone actually see the van?) It was modified to have an open-able side where there were video game stations so you could try out Sonic games. It also had cherry Coke dispensers/cans & etc so you'd try the drink at the same time. Naturally Coke & Sega would make up such an ad, to alert fans that this was a mobile event coming soon. (The fine print likely had dates/locations) It says "Get Cherryfied" and "Warning: The Cherry Coke / Sega Sonic Shuttle Blasts off this Summer". 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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