• Sonic Bubble Gums
    Sonic Bubble Gums
    These Sonic Bubble Gums were available in 2 different containers, as you can see. They were sold seperatly, or you could buy a 2-pak later on. These were by Topps, and available at places like Blockbuster Video, and other places with minor "Candy Counter" type areas. The Sonics are full…
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Commics buyer guide featuring Sonic comic

Photo credit: SonicToast

Tags: Advertisement Magazine 2013

This is Comics Buyer's Guide magazine the "Crossovers Command 2013" issue. It's a magazine that's always covering the latest in comic book news / related events. (cons, values, etc) The Sonic Megaman crossover from Archie makes the cover feature for this issue as one of their big 3 in 2013. (other covers are tiny) It's good to see the Sonic/Megaman comic/s in such high regard that they'd make the list of a publisher dedicated to news on all fronts. 

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