• GE Classic Tails Plush
    GE Classic Tails Plush
    Here's a shot of GE Animation's Tails classic style plush. Interesting, as he's still in the package. Their 'package' is just a simple clear bag to protect the doll from dirt before it's sold. The tag has classic Sonic with a checkered edge. This is a decent and cute classic…
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Complete a-z dreamcast cheats

Photo credit: Lee

Tags: Magazine Dreamcast

This book may be called "Complete A-Z of Dreamcast Cheats" but the cover & large interior section are dedicated to Sonic Adventure. It has a rather in-depth guide for the game, and came out near the release of the Dreamcast in the UK area. (As this is a UK only item) It has a walk through for the game, and the stories for each of the characters. However, it does live up to its name, by having codes and cheats for other games as well. 

Additional Info

  • Region: Unknown


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