• Lolly pop wrapper
    Lolly pop wrapper
    What is this curious item? It is the 'wrapper' to a figural lolly pop. However, it is more of a shell or a mold. The candy was poured into this, but instead of re-using it, it was sold as a novelty 'wrapper' which you could keep as a toy once…
    in Food & Drinks

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This one's a real departure from the usual!
This is a great (if a bit mixed up) shirt. The design is photo-realistic to the games, complete with ring on Sonic's finger (From Sonic and Secret Rings on the Wii) and flames in the background. Everything on this design is smooth and very well done, almost like a screenshot or rendered image. No graphics gimmics or simplification going on here.

The only thing that's out of place is the logo. If you inspect it, you'll realize that it's from Sonic 360! Why would they mix things around? The mystery remains, but the shirt is still quite cool. This is in SonicGear personal collection. The blue-sleeved shirt to the right is a variant of it. This has "thermal fabric" (textured, warmer) for the sleeves and only comes in little kids sizes. Small shirt found by FinalApocalypse.

SonicFlamSmBluFound by FinalApocalypse

Here's another shirt where they're mixing up two Sonic games to make the art. The Sonic/Flames is from 360 Sonic, but the name is clearly from Sonic & Secret Rings on the Wii. (On the variant (right) they fixed this, though) This time, the graphic is done in sepia tone, with a mystic blue fire placed behind Sonic. Curiously, you can see a few of his teeth if you look closely. The shirt is part of the new fall line at Sears, and is a double shirt (as TopHeavy is fond of doing) Dark brown with a lighter brown long sleeve-look underneath.
Available Fall /Winter 2008: Sears

Brown360SepiaLgPhoto by Finalapocalypse Brown360SepiaLgPhoto by Finalapocalypse


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