• Sonic 10th anniversary soundtrack
    Sonic 10th anniversary soundtrack
    For Sonic's 10th Anniversary, they released a nice free kit of Sonic stuff. This is actually a cardboard box with gold foil embossing on it, which makes it difficult to scan or photograph. (it is mirror-like) You can feel the indented design. This box contains a CD, a special metal…
    in Soundtracks

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This pale blue shirt features the modern Rectangle Portrait graphic of Sonic, with the logo at the bottom. This design has been featured on multiple items, including pins. It looks good here, as a nice big graphic. However, the shirt is supposed to have that 'vintage' look with the faux-wear/weathering to the ink. (Why? It makes no sense to use it with a modern design) So you'll see cracks/ chips / wear to the ink when this is new. (right) This is available at FYE stores in spring/summer 2011.

CrackleShirt2Photo by Cfire176


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