• Sonic & Amy flat wallet
    Sonic & Amy flat wallet
    Amy & Sonic are teaming up for cool design on this great flat wallet!This is another hard-sides wallet (Generally meant for going in a purse) with a cool design. The front is half Amy, half Sonic, where you see a big portrait and name logo for each, plus a pink…
    in Wallets

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Sonic Chronicles skin

Photo credit: Calistine

Tags: United States Nintendo DS Skin

This Chronicles themed DS skin is official, and could be found at Game Stop stores around the time of the release of the game. As you can see here, it's 9.99 regular retail. The main art used is from the box art itself, which has Sonic & Shade on the clouded/night background. The interior just seems 'dark blue' but is likely to have some type of pattern or logo on it and not be plain. 

Additional Info

  • Region: America


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