• Dr. Robotnik thinking
    Dr. Robotnik thinking
    This is a small PVC Robotnik (Thinking Version) with "Conflict Card". The card is rare because it is flimsy. The copyright here is for 1994, but what's the purpose of the card? It looks like part of a card game, like you could run the stats against other characters with…
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Hedgehog Ecology Notebook

Photo credit: Scavenger4food

Tags: Notebook Japan

Here's a notebook that encourages you to help the environment. It says "Hedgehog Ecology" at the top and then "Recycle - Use public transportation" with Sonic leaning on a globe. Hopefully, it is printed on recycled paper! 

Interestingly, (but not that surprising for Japan) there was also a Tails version of this environmentally friendly notebook. This one says "Ecology for the 90s" at the top and still encourages you to recycle and use public transportation (on the back as well) The inside of this one is identical to the Sonic one, seen above. The Sonic notebook appears to use a new or slightly modified stock art, but this one does not. It uses one of the older very 'snooty' versions of Tails where he has quite a long nose. This stock art didn't appear in Japan all that often. 

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  • Region: Unknown


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