• Baby Sonic Mug
    Baby Sonic Mug
    Here is a white ceramic mug with Movie Baby Sonic design. It has the CG 'holding a sunflower' art of him on one side, and the logo with background of lighter logos on the other. The graphic side spells out Baby Sonic in Japanese, maybe to add a bit of…
    in Glasses, Mugs & Bottles

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SegaSonic the Hedgehog notebook

Photo credit: Piplupfan77

Tags: SegaSonic Japan Notebook

Japanese notebooks never fail to impress with their level of detail. This one has "Segasonic the Hedgehog" title at the top, and appears Sonic 1 themed. It has badniks around the top edge including Roller, Buzz Bomber, Crabmeant & Ball Hog, and 2 of the little animals at the bottom. Eggman & Egg o matic with walking extension appears over the loop & water background from Green Hill. There's a little saying at the bottom (as is common on older things) and it says: "Thus began the battle of Sonic and Dr. Eggman". Phrase info by Skittles

Additional Info

  • Region: Asia


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