• 6 modern shirts including All stars racing & AR
    6 modern shirts including All stars racing & AR
     Another uncommon but cool example of the "AR Enhanced Tee"This very...bright yellow-green shirt is either a mens size, or a boys/teens size. It is by Dynasty Apparel (their first appearance here), and it is 'augmented reality' enhanced. See the sticker in the top corner? It explains how to 'use' the…
    in Modern clothing

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15th anniversary Sonic booth invite card

Photo credit: Berzerker

Tags: 15th anniversary United States Card

This curious item almost isn't a party supply. It's more like a promotional item. It was made by Sega and given out to invite people to their vendor booth to meet a mascot suit Sonic. It's made to look like a regular invitation card you might get in the mail for a party...however it's likely it was only given to the press or official people who were already invited to the convention/game show/E3 or whatever this party was already a part of. (since it takes place in a booth) The details are the where (booth #) and what time of day to go there. Still, this is quite an unusual and interesting item to see. 

Additional Info

  • Region: America


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