• ReSaurus Knuckles
    ReSaurus Knuckles
    Knuckles the EchidnaHe has a decent sculpt as well, and does not suffer from the common 'massive head' syndrome that other ones of him do. He does have an unusually slim body, just like Sonic. The prototypes of this figure had SERIOUSLY messed up eyes. Unfortunetely, he can be a…
    in Resaurus

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How do you get people to come to your Sonic party? Why, just send out Sonic themed Party Invitations! These great little invites come in a pack of 10, with envelopes. They have a nice big Sonic art on the front and it says "You're invited" inside, the guest will see the winged "S" symbol in blue-scale, as well as the details. (Time, day, RSVP, etc) the top of the interior says "It's a Sonic the Hedgehog Party!"

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  • Region: America


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