• Kids wellington Sonic boots
    Kids wellington Sonic boots
    This is a pair of kids wellington boots. They're an all-rubber rain boot with cool Sonic theme. It uses new 2011 Sonic art nice & big on the sides, with the modern logo. The tag has the license info & that it was made by William Lamb Footwear. You can…
    in Shoes

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This Sonic pinata is a cool idea...it's a pull-string pinata! Pull-string pinatas are especially fun because they're not destroyed like a normal one. The cluster of colorful ribbons at the bottom is the key to candy-dispensing fun. The catch is, that only 1 ribbon will open the secret trap door in the bottom of the item. As the guests pull different ribbons, no one will know which one will be right, so it keeps the same suspense as a normal pinata. This has a large peace-sign Sonic graphic, with logo under his shoe. The sides & edges of the pinata are covered with the traditional blue crepe-paper flaps.

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  • Region: America


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