• Sonic 4 Episode 2 Xbox 360 avatar items
    Sonic 4 Episode 2 Xbox 360 avatar items
    With the release of Sonic 4, Episode 2, the Xbox 360 gets some special virtual items to celebrate. They're all Avatar stuff, like a Tails costume with wierdly small tails, a "little animals container" with button on top that contains some Flicky Birds (not chao, as it looks like here)…
    in Virtual Items

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Due to Sega of Australia's dedication to all the characters popular at the time, they produced more Sally theme items than any other country. Remember: she wasn't in any games (except Spinball as an icon, and Spinball wasn't 100% Sega of Japan) & only appeared in Archie Sonic Comics in the USA (UK Comic series by Fleetway was completely different) & on the "SatAm" Sonic show. 
This puppet is a rather bristly and angry looking thing, though. They've used faux fur for her hair, which isn't exactly accurate & gives the puppet a sort of prickly look. Her lidded eyes try to follow along with the comics, however here they make her look a bit annoyed. Not having hands, and the very simple chest fur color difference gives it a bit of a primitive look. Still, it is interesting to see that she's been made and good to collect if you're a Sally fan.


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